Rabu, 06 Januari 2010

Good bye, Gus! I Loue U Full
Posted by Hashim Ahmad Halimi at 23:59 0 comments
The siege of Jombang

Companions of the Prophet who first made the conquest of Andalusia
(Spain) named Abdurrahman Addakhil, or Abdurrahman the
ram. This happened long before the troops landed Tariq ibn Ziyad
in a hilly coast later called Jabal-tariq (now
Jiblartar), to spread Islam in Europe mainland. K.H. Wahid
Hashim was amazed to Companions of the Prophet, so the son
the eldest, who was born on August 4, 1940 at Denanyar, Jombang, it
Abdurrahman named Addakhil.

Then, when growing up, the name of his father, who died young, 37 (because
car accident while traveling with the Bandung-Jakarta
The eldest son), tucked behind his name, becomes
Abdurrahman Wahid. Often called Gus Dur. Ordinary uncles
called "Durrahman". It is said that he favored grandchildren; so, in
many stories of the disciples of his grandfather, the boy often Wahid was in
lap Hadratussyekh K.H. Hashim Ash'ari, the founder of the NU, when
founder of the Islamic schools that teach Tebuireng Tafsir and Hadith, which
indeed be the grandfather of expertise.

The memory that kept ringing in the minds of Almaghfurlah KHR As'ad
Syamsul Arifin; so, although Gus Dur as the general chairman Tanfidziyah
NU often act nyleneh, former NU from musytasyar a'am
Asembagus, Situbondo, it did not dare to give administrative sanctions
in the organization, for example, the grandson of the teacher's pet. Therefore,
Majmuk Muta'allim - one of the yellow book in Islamic schools --
taught, "I was sahaya for a (teacher) who has
leads, though one letter. "Scripture is also standard pesantren
mentioned, the respect students had done just enough to the
teachers, the children and grandchildren - even the pets
even - to do well.

Attitudes of Kiai As'ad against Wahid of NU clerics also conducted a
other. In fact, the NU community, numbering tens of millions, was treated
same thing for "Durrahman". For anthropological studies of
Zamahsyari done Dhofier concluded, all the famous boarding schools
in Java and Madura, if not consisting of the relatives and families
NU founder was, yes pesantren-pesantren established by the
students. So, naturally when Gus Dur in leading NU likened
as the son of the pesantren kiai large nyleneh called NU.
It's hard to blame, because there is only absolute "truth".

With the capital of this cultural belief, Gus Dur was breaking various
establishment of the NU tradition. From tradsisi imitation, turned into
creative thinking (ijtihadi), a sectarian religious view
replaced by an inclusive Islamic discourse. Not only that, political views
which tends to polarize the nation-state Islamic (nation
state), sought temunya point, so the model of Islamic pamahaman his
full charge of local culture (Islamic pribumization) completely different
the various Islamic movements to Indonesia to East bermazhab
Central. The key words, to borrow a phrase Mohammad A.S. Hikam, is
dynamic or revitalization of traditional Islamic treasury Ahlussunnah
waljama'ah, in his involvement with the discourse of modernity. Dobrakan
for religious understanding was not only the internal echo in NU, but
also evaporate out so that fans of classical music is often called
reformers (with Cak Nur and Munawir Syadzali) are categorized into
in the new modernist groups. Done?

Yet. As a captain, he took NU to the smells of nature NGOs, is
critical of the government. He is "furious" when ICMI appeared in the early
The 1990s because of the presumption against the establishment of this organization
is the intersection of the Suharto government and the modernists
Islamic mutual interest sektariannya co. As
antithesis, Wahid led the Democracy Forum with the
nationalist and minorities, saying, "I do not want to go
ICMI, because I wanted to continue with the Muslim street vendors. "

In ways that unpredictable, he has now become president.
Who knows how many billions of dollars the cost of a successful team B.J. Habibie and Megawati
to fight the presidency. Strategy, tactics, the network follows
work in the field, had been prepared so sophisticated. But
why the two teams that failed, and who won instead Gus Dur, who --
Central Axis team with his kind of Amien Rais, Fuad Bawazier, Alwi
Shihab, and others - can say no such abundant funds
Other successful teams?

For the NU, the answer is easy: Gus Dur's guardian, a
easy political mystification flourished there. In fact, a
when, Gus Mus - Familiar call K.H. Mustafa Bisri - with a tone
guyon recalled, "Gus Dur is not just a guardian. However, it is
selectors who is the guardian and not. "

However, for those who are less familiar with the spiritual world ala NU,
Gus Dur's political maneuvering was called a genius move nan
slippery. I was so slippery, until there is a mengibaratkannya as
"eels that plunged into the lubricating oil. Yes, it's politics
crafty. "Without doing tricks, politics is like an ice
dry ". That adage which seems quite fitting for
describes how measures of political zigzagging up the grandson Gus Dur
NU's founding chair up to the fourth president of Indonesia.

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